
Tomato roof and herbs

About a week ago we got some materials and for a few days we were working on a temporary roof against two walls, under which we want to plant tomatoes and peppers.

Awkward angles

Ready for tomatoes

Last year we planted a few plants in the same spot, under a sheet of polyethylene, and they grew beyond our expectations, we had planted them too close together and it was an utter jungley mess, still we had a lot of tomatoes. It is a protected and very sunny spot.

This year we'll plant more plants, of different varieties, plus peppers, which we didn't plant last year. We already planted the tomatoes the 4th of May, since they were already large for the time of year. The pepper are still smaller and we'll plant later.

Cherry tomato already has flowers. Note the snail.

Varieties are: some unidentified cherry, Montserrant, mallorquin & muchamiel (last three from Spanish seed packets).

Eventually we want to build a greenhouse against these walls, but that will take a few years, so the roof will do meanwhile.

I also planted some more herbs, mint, parsley (I planted some a while ago, apparently in a bad spot, there's barely anything left) and tarragon plant. I planted the tarragon and parsley against the foxgloves and where a tomato will be, for some shadow. The mint is in full sun.

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