
New rosebushes

I received these at work earlier than expected, being on vacation right now, so I had to go pick them up. They've been in water overnight+, a few hours completely submerged and then overnight with the branches sticking out of the water, despite the instructions I was apprehensive to leave everything submerged for so long.

Today I dug 3 holes and planted them, adding cow+chicken dried manure (can't find the rose fertiliser, perhaps it was finished)) and "bodemverbeteraar" (I think this is just compost). They're about 60-70 cm apart, but I only used my kneeling pad to measure distances ;P

The rosebushes I ordered from David Austin were a pair of Margaret Merrill and one Lark ascending. I wanted The nun but could not find it this year, boo.

Margaret Merrill, photo from DA
Floribunda. Dainty, high-centred, white buds with a satin-pink sheen. Exceptionally fragrant.
Up to 1x1 m

The Lark Ascending, photo from DA
Shrub Rose. A tall, airy shrub with clusters of fragrant, semi-double blooms.
Bears clusters of light apricot, semi-double, cupped blooms. The fragrance varies from tea to myrrh.
Vigorous and exceptionally healthy with tall, airy growth.
Up to 1.5x1.2 m

I planted them in a triangle layout, the Lark which supposedly grows taller and more leggy at the back. The lilac I planted last year is a bit behind and to the right.

As I dug the holes I dug out a few small bulbs, they look like muscari perhaps, and a couple of slightly bigger and darker ones, I have no idea what they were. I planted them back around the roses.

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